Miss 6:)

Miss 6!

It’s been so long since I wrote a blog. I’ve been like an animal that hibernates in the winter months and now that it’s spring I’m coming back out into the wilderness to play! I wish I was just hibernating instead this school term has been the busiest one ever!!! As it’s drawing to an end, I was determined to post a blog before the real fun of school holidays begins!

This term has had many ups and downs, but the super star of the term is my Miss 6:)


6 years ago when I birthed a beautiful thriving 10p2 baby girl I knew she was going to be something special. As I pulled her from me and placed her on my chest, she looked up at me and with not even a whimper, her big deep blue eyes radiated a sense of peace and harmony at me. Sienna Lynette aka ‘Sie Sie’ has been just that since the day she was born.


Being the middle child, Sie Sie puts up with the authority of her older brother and the cuteness of her baby sister – I can’t imagine it would be the easiest of gigs. But she does it well. She is everything in a daughter I would hope for…kind, loving, thoughtful, brave, outgoing, funny, tough and feisty…this girl doesn’t suffer fools at all.

She hates wearing dresses and would prefer to wear shorts over skirts. She loves her high-tops and wears a hat most days. But has the most beautiful thick long hair which she refuses to cut off and in the right mood you can have a good fashion conversation with her lol! She is my sporty spice who has such a competitive aggression that I hope one day will be put to great use lol! (She reminds me of the coach’s daughter in Remember the Titans lol)


My baby girl is a Miss 6-year-old now and since turning 5 plus 1, she has matured out of sight. She is showing resilience in all facets of life and it makes me just so proud how far she has come since starting prep as the youngest child at 4 and half. This past 18 months has been a huge learning curve for everyone. She has gone from a shy, timid, separation anxiety child to an outgoing, hard-working confident girl who is loved by everyone who meets her.

We had a massive celebration for her 6th birthday this year – a disco party in fact. Sienna made many decisions when it came to planning the party and once the day came and it all fared together, it was the perfect party that suited Sienna to a tea!

Highlights from The Disco Party…..















Since turning 6, Sienna has been super busy reaching several milestones. She has lost her two front teeth, learnt to ride her bike with no training wheels, she reached level 1 behaviour at school and went to the canteen at football a couple of weeks ago all on her own – she never would do anything on her own! She is just thriving at school and is so switched on, sometimes I forget she is only 6!




But like everyone Sienna is far from perfect. Although she is extremely mature, she still is a very normal 6-year-old when it comes to overreacting when tired or sick, displaying a bit of an attitude and can push your buttons if she’s in a mood and you’re not, but in general she is simple. She never wants for anything and is always the one to give in when her siblings aren’t willing to!

I’m looking forward to watching my baby girl grow and nourish into a young lady – what ever she does, it’s going to be something grand!


